BrainSpan Brain Health
The BrainSpan assessment combines a lab test (from a single drop of blood) with a scientifically validated online functional assessment. It measures critical fatty acids that over 100 peer-reviewed research studies have shown to be critical to brain function and brain longevity.
Every one of my patients should know their score and then improve it in as little as 90 days. If you don’t measure and track your brain health, you are taking a chance with your future well-being. If you have kids with attention or working memory issues, the BrainSpan assessment can identify nutrient deficiencies that may be a contributing factor. Additionally, if your child plays any kind of impact sport, the BrainSpan assessment may help significantly improve their resilience and neuro-protection to concussion injury. Go to to learn more about the BrainSpan assessment. I believe in this assessment so much that I am offering it to my patients at half the normal $198 accepted fee. Call the office today to schedule getting tested for only $99.
The Omega-3 Index has been published in over 100 peer-reviewed journals in collaboration with top institutions, including those below. It measures the accumulated amount of EPA and DHA in your red blood cells over a period of 3 to 4 months. Scores below 4% are correlated with a higher risk for accelerated brain aging, increased inflammation, reduced attention, and poor memory.